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Welcome to the Grandmaster Ordeal Guide


What is a Grandmaster ordeal? It’s the same as the Master version but with curated modifiers and contest mode that makes it extremely difficult content. Limited revives, Extinguish (team wipe takes you to orbit), 25 Power Level penalty and a 45 minute timer that removes any remaining revives. These are additional to the Master modifiers like Match Game, Equipment lock, and so on. Welcome to the endgame!

Rule #1 is that you forget everything you know about the seasonal strikes and ordeals. Grandmaster ordeals are on another level and they will force you to play the strikes like you have never played them before, and it won’t be easy. They are the toughest PVE challenge in the game, but once you have conquered them, you will have learned to appreciate the challenge and how builds and teamwork synergize for endgame content in Destiny 2.

Unlike regular strikes or matchmade ordeals, GM will require you to work as a team and communicate every encounter in the strike. So, get into the mindset of making callouts - when adds spawn, when you’re about to stun a champion, when you’re using a super, etc. It’s all about team play and there is little room for solo shenanigans.

The best way to practice for GMs is by running the Master versions underleveled, so you can get used to a harder difficulty, and learn the ordeal. The master versions are identical to GMs in terms of enemy spawns, number of champions, and most modifiers. Running the master version a couple of times is highly recommended so you can learn where enemies attack from, which champions to tackle first, where to find cover, how to get better positioning that lets you safely deal with minibosses, and how to damage the boss’ health in order to control the add spawns.

Also, get used to running an unconventional and/or non-meta loadout for the GMs. Double primaries and exotic heavy is a very common loadout. Learn how the seasonal champion mods and artifact mods work, and how best to use them in your builds. For instance, if a teammate is running Aeon gloves or special finisher, let them get the finisher kills. You may be running a defensive super but sitting on it helps no one, use it as often as you can.

You also cannot underestimate any red-bar enemies in the GM. They are extremely dangerous and can cause a team wipe when you least expect it. It is usually good practice to clear out all the minor adds before dealing with a champion, but that differs for each ordeal and encounter.

There are plenty of tips and tricks for GMs and champions that have been covered in a myriad of videos and posts, so look them up if you want; or just ask in the discord server. With Adept guns added to GMs, more and more players will be looking to take up the challenge of becoming Conquerors - hoping to see a lot of you out there this season, and in the future!